Tag: micronaut

In this lab we will introduce you to the Micronaut tooling available within VS Code. This tooling is very feature-rich and makes building and working with Micronaut applications easy.

I wrote a Micronaut Tutorial that shows how to generate an OpenAPI Specification of your Micronaut Application at build time and generate it in Asciidoc format.

In this talk, Sergio del Amo introduces CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) and its support within the Micronaut Framework.

Since Micronaut Framework 3.8.0, Micronaut Data offers a flavor for [Azure CosmosDB] which supports compile-time generated repositories and projection queries.

A serverless monolith is an architecture easy to reason about, scales on demand, and boosts developer productivity.

I will be giving the talk "Getting Started with the Micronaut Framework" in the Brighton Kotlin user Group. I met Lee Turner last year in a Micronaut AWS Lambda training and he was kind enough to invite me.

This week, I delivered a 12-hour online course of Micronaut Essentials.

I talked to Sakis Kaliakoudas about how they use the Micronaut framework, AWS Lambda, and Kotlin to develop Caribou.

I talked with the Agorapulse crew. Agorapulse was a pioneer in the usage of Micronaut features from Grails Application. Moreover, they maintain several open-source libraries to help integrate Micronaut and Grails, and they have written about their migration from Grails to Micronaut.

I talked about Micronaut Serialization with Graeme Rocher (Micronaut co-founder). Micronaut Serialization can serialize and deserialize Java types (including Java 17 records) to and from JSON and other formats without using reflection.

This talk introduces Micronaut Security, a fully featured and customizable security solution for your applications.

This talk introduces the Micronaut framework and demonstrates how the Framework's unique compile-time approach enables the development of ultra-lightweight Java applications.

I talked with the Agorapulse crew. Agorapulse maintains several open-source Micronaut libraries. They talk about some of them (Snitch, Recurly, Rethrow, Segment, Newrelic, Worker, Console, Pierrot ...)..

I talked to Cédric Champeau (Micronaut core committer at Oracle Labs) about the Micronaut AOT module - a new module that generates build-time optimizations for Micronaut applications.

I talked to Graeme Rocher (Micronaut co-founder). Micronaut Data is a database access toolkit that uses Ahead of Time (AoT) compilation to pre-compute queries for repository interfaces that are then executed by a thin, lightweight runtime layer.

I talked to Iván López (Micronaut core commiter) about Micronaut integration with GraalVM, the CI Iván built to ensure the Micronaut framework plays well with GraalVM and small tips for users who want to deploy GraalVM Native Images of their Micronaut applications to production.

Since Micronaut® framework 3.1, you can use a regular expression in the HTTP server filter patterns

The health endpoint is the easiest way to expose a health check in your Micronaut application.

I always expose the /health endpoint in my Micronaut applications. It is easy to test it.

I will join Novatec's crew to talk about their experience with Micronaut developing a production application (learning curve, memory consumption, startup ...).

Java library to consume Euro foreign exchange rates XML feed published by the European Central bank.

Micronaut® framework 2 brings improvements to the way you write AWS Lambda functions. There are several things to consider (what's is your Lambda trigger, are you able to write a GraalVM Native Image of the function) which define what dependencies do you need, what is your handler, how to mitigate cold startup.

Today, I published a Java library to consume the Curated API. It is built with the Micronaut® framework and you can use it in a Micronaut app or as a standalone library.