Micronaut CRaC

In this talk, Sergio del Amo introduces CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) and its support within the Micronaut Framework.

I did a similar presentation at Madrid Java User Group June 2023.

CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint) is an open-source project aiming to speed up the startup of Java applications. CRaC is getting much attention in the Java ecosystem because it offers startup gains comparable to native executables generated by GraalVM. However, it offers these startup-up improvements without many native image generation challenges.

This talk covers:

  • Introduction to CRaC (Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint)
  • CRaC constraints.
  • Micronaut CRaC integration.
  • CRaC packaging options for Micronaut applications.
  • Micronaut CRaC with Google Cloud Run
  • Micronaut CRaC with AWS Lambda SnapStart.

Attendees will learn CRaC, its benefits and tradeoffs, and how to use it in their applications.

Elevator Pitch

Do you want to get amazing startup improvements without the GraalVM native image generation headaches? CRaC is the solution you have been looking for. Every Java developer should learn what CRaC is, what problem it solves, which scenarios are the perfect fit for CRaC, and how to start using it today.

Tags: #crac #micronaut #presentation