London Workshop about AWS Lambda and the Micronaut Framework
I will be delivering a workshop in the AWS London offices next week.
Through a combination of lectures, live coding demonstrations, AWS interaction, and hands-on exercises, participants learn: How AWS Lambda functions written with the Micronaut framework can be triggered with AWS Events (such as an S3 or DynamoDB event) How integrating Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda enables you to write your applications as you would with a Netty runtime (i.e., write your applications as you usually do; run them in AWS Lambda) How to deploy a Micronaut application as a GraalVM native image to AWS Lambda Java runtime or to a custom runtime How leveraging certain characteristics of Micronaut applications, including fast startup, low memory consumption, and GraalVM integration, can help you work around cold startups in AWS Lambda.
It is an invite only event. If you are interested please fill the form in the website.
Tags: #micronaut #aws #lambda