Sergio del Amo

Sergio del Amo

My name is Sergio del Amo. I am proactive developer. I like to consider myself a manager of one.

Open Source Contributor

I am the Micronaut Development Lead Engineer at the Micronaut Foundation. I am a member of the Micronaut Foundation Board Of Directors and the Micronaut Technology Advisory Board. Additionally, I am a member of the GraalVM Advisory Board.

I have been a core developer of the Micronaut Framework since its inception. I write/review most of the Micronaut Guides. I work a lot in the Security, AWS, Views, RSS, Problem+JSON, Email, Micronaut's modules.

Moreover, I have worked a lot with Grails Framework. I have contributed to the framework core code, plugins, and guides.


Curated links Newsletter

From early 2015 until 2020, I wrote a weekly newsletter Groovy Calamari.

Technical Writer

I have either written or reviewed most of the Micronaut Guides and Grails Guides.


I hosted the Micronaut podcast and Codigo Bot

Conference & Public Speaking

I often talk at conferences. Both in Spain and Internationally. Mostly about Micronaut, Gradle, Grails, and Groovy.

I organized Greach Conference in 2019.

Tools & Languages & Technologies


I write most of my code in Java, Kotlin, or Groovy.


I write most of my code with Micronaut. But I have experience both with Grails and Spring Boot.


I like and use AWS a lot for personal projects and clients. I have the AWS Certified Developer – Associate certification.

I have experience with Google Cloud and Azure.


As a build tool, I like and have expertise with Gradle.


My testing toolset is JUnit 5, Spock and Geb.

iOS / iPadOS / Android

I have done iOS and Android development. Native development in both platforms. Mostly with Objective-C and Java. I am updating my skills in both platforms to Swift and Kotlin.

Web Development

In the past, I run an indy web design agency. Thus, I have done a lot of HTML, CSS, Javascript, and PHP. I built both static and WordPress sites. I have experience developing, hosting, and maintaining web applications.