SAFRI.NET Micronaut Foundation™ sponsor

Micronaut® framework is an Open Source JVM Framework licensed via Apache 2.0 License.

Often, we use Open Source products and we take them for granted. Moreover, our organisations use those open-source solutions to developer our products. The health of any Open Source solution, which we rely on, affects the health of our technology stack. Hence, it affects the health our products. How easy is to move them forward, how easy is to hire developers interested in the technologies we use. There are many way an organization can support an Open Source product:

  • Sponsoring events which feature that technology.
  • Allowing their employees to learn, advocate and do public speaking for those frameworks in their company time.

However, another way is to support them directly with money. Some programmers develop Open Source products on their free time. However, most big open source projects often rely on programmers whose companies, often involved in the stewardship of the Open Source technology, allocate them full-time on working on those products. Without people working full-time on them it is hard to keep them going with the necessary pace.

Because of that, I was happy when we announced the Micronaut Foundation back in 2020. The Micronaut Foundation created not just a governance body to ensure the framework advances and continues to serve a global community. It created the means to collect money to fuel the development of the framework.

One of those vehicles is the Micronaut Foundation Corporate Sponsorship.

SAFRI.NET, a german professional IT services provider, joined Micronaut Foundation as a Bronze-Level Corporate Sponsor.

Micronaut is an important part in our projects and contributes immensely to our productivity and success. For this reason, and because we inherently like to give back to the open source communities, we decided to do the same for Micronaut.

Many thanks to SAFRI.NET for their support of the Micronaut® framework and everyone, myself included, involved with it.

Go to the linked site

Tags: #micronaut