(Public Speaking) Codemotion 2020: Building Chatbots with Micronaut® framework.

I will be talking at the Codemotion 2020. It will be an online conference.

I have one talk scheduled:

Building chatbots with Micronaut

📅 Nov 3,4,5 2020 (Agenda not closed)

During this talk you will learn how to build chat bots with Micronaut.

We will focus on Telegram bots. You will learn how to build bots from scratch. You will learn how to send messages, accept commands and react to them. Moreover, you will see how Micronaut Telegram modules streamlines bot development.

Registration is open. There are free tickets and a paid tier for on demand access to the conference videos.

Yes, I will demo @ForeignExchangeRatesBot. A Telegram bot to help you obtain foreign exchange rates published by the European Central Bank.

Micronaut® is a registered trademark of Object Computing, Inc. Use is for referential purposes and does not imply any endorsement or affiliation with any third-party product. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

Tags: #speaking #micronaut #chatbots