Micronaut Pushover released

I've released a Micronaut Java library to consume the Pushover API. It is built with the Micronaut® framework and you can use it in a Micronaut app or as a standalone library.


To use it with Gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.softamo:pushover:1.0.1'

To use it with Maven:



Micronaut Applications

If you want to use the library in Micronaut application, register applications and users via configuration:

			token: 'T6xoNWc7zboEppeeM69tMZsCNkdRqU'
			key: 's2HkfXVenEeMJ2MBwqDZrhAXpg7uzK',

Then you can send messages from an application to a user:

public class HomeController {
	private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HomeController.class);
	private final PushoverApplication application;
	private final PushoverUser user;
	private final Scheduler scheduler;

	HomeController(@Named(TaskExecutors.IO) ExecutorService executorService,
				   @Named("l3-37") PushoverApplication application,
				   @Named("sdelamo") PushoverUser user) {
		this.scheduler = Schedulers.fromExecutorService(executorService);
		this.application = application;
		this.user = user;
	String index() {
		Message message = Message.builder("Hello World").sound(Sound.ALIEN).build();
		Mono.from(application.send(user, message))
				.subscribe(response -> {
					if (response.getStatus().equals(1)) {
						LOG.trace("your notification has been received and queued. Request {}", response.getRequest());
					} else {
						LOG.trace("your notification could not be delivered. status {}", response.getStatus());
		return "Hello world";

Moreover, For Micronaut Applications you can annotate your methods with @PushoverMessage

public class HomeController {

	@PushoverMessage(value = "User greeted",
			url = "https://sergiodelamo.com",
			sound = Sound.ALIEN,
			appName = "l3-37"
			userName = "sdelamo",
			urlTitle = "blog")
	String index() {
		return "Hello world";

If you have only one application and user configured, you can skip appName and userName members.

public class HomeController {
	@PushoverMessage(value = "User greeted",
			url = "https://sergiodelamo.com",
			sound = Sound.ALIEN,
			urlTitle = "blog")
	String index() {
		return "Hello world";

Without Micronaut® framework

You can use the library without a Micronaut Application Context. In that case, you can do:

PushoverUser user = new PushoverUser() {
	public String getKey() {
		return "s2HkfXVenEeMJ2MBwqDZrhAXpg7uzK";
	public String getName() {
		return "sdelamo";
PushoverApplication application = new PushoverApplication(new PushoverApplicationConfiguration() {
	public String getToken() {
		return "T6xoNWc7zboEppeeM69tMZsCNkdRqU";
	public String getName() {
		return "l3-37";
},new ManualPushoverHttpClient()); 
Message message = Message.builder("Hello World").sound(Sound.ALIEN).build();
Response result = Mono.from(application.send(user, message)).block()

I hope you find it as useful as I do.

Tags: #micronaut #pushover