Micronaut Framework and AWS CDK

In this talk, Sergio del Amo demonstrates the AWS CDK integration with the Micronaut Framework.

The talk shows how to define infrastructure as Java code with Amazon CDK.

You will see how to create a serverless architecture with services such as AWS Certificate Manager, Route 53, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda and DynamoDB, and Amazon Cognito.

Moreover, the talk demonstrates how to integrate Gatling load tests into the project.

Combining Micronaut Framework and Amazon CDK allows you to define a serverless architecture seamlessly with infrastructure defined as code, making it easy to replicate and deploy into other AWS accounts or environments.

Attendees will gain an understanding of Amazon CDK and how they can leverage it in combination with the Micronaut Framework.

## Elevator Pitch

The talk shows how to define infrastructure as Java code with Amazon CDK and how the Micronaut Framework integrates seamlessly with CDK.

Tags: #cdk #micronaut #infrastructure-as-code #presentation
Jan 2023, 10.


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