Tag: macos
Use a Shortcut To Create a New Text File In a Folder On a Mac
There is no command in the Finder that will let you create a new blank file at your current location. But you can create a Shortcut that will let you do this each time easily. The Shortcut needs to use both JavaScript and shell scripting to get the job done.
Enable the local calendar in Fantastical for Mac
I found a way to enable this thanks to a Reddit post.
HazeOver — Distraction Dimmer for Mac
Turn distractions down and focus on your current task.
Shortcut to verify if a Micronaut module's version is available in SonaType
I created this MacOS Shortcut to verify if a Micronaut module's version is available in SonaType.
21 Apps for 2021 - The Clock
The Clock is a beautiful app. Moreover, if you work with a team in multiple time zones, this is the best clock app in MacOS.
AppleScript - Open Mail to an specific inbox
Avoid distractions and go to the email inbox you are working with.
Automatically generate a PDF from a Screenshot
Combine Hazel and Automator to do it.
Apple Photos - Multiple Libraries
Click the Photos icon while holding the Option ⌥ Key
21 Apps for 2021 - Amphetamine
A keep-awake utility
How to distribute a Podcast to YouTube
I used FusionCast, a MacOS app to turn your podcast episodes into videos for publishing on any platform.
NetNewsWire introduces the ability to subscribe to Twitter searches of mentions
You can now subscribe to Twitter searches or mentions as a feed directly in NetNewsWire.
How to check if an app is Native or Intel in a M1 Mac?
A way to check wether an app you installed is native or intel is to right click "Get Info" in an application.
MacBook Air M1
It does not get hot. It is quiet. It is fast. It is the future. It is now.