21 Apps for 2021 - Amphetamine

My favourite podcast of 2020 was 20 Macs for 2020

With this year marking the turn of decades (in some particularly disastrous ways, as it turns out), I decided to construct a list of the 20 most notable Macs in history. Over the next 20 weeks, I’ll post essays, podcasts, and videos about each of them, counting down to number one

In a similar flavour, I am going to write a list of my favourite 21 MacOS applications in 2021.

To start 21 apps for 2021, let me point you to Amphetamine, a keep-awake utility, by William Gustafson.

Often, I need to run a long builds in my computer.Moreover, I want to keep it awake while the tests run. For example, I am currently running the test suite of Micronaut Guides in preparation for Micronaut 3 release.

I find myself often starting an Amphetamine session which should last while the Terminal is running:

amphetamine session while terminal is running

If you ever need to keep your computer awake, Amphetamine is the app you have been looking for.

Go to the linked site

Tags: #macos #21appsfor2021 #amphetamine