Tag: podcast

I talked to Sakis Kaliakoudas about how they use the Micronaut framework, AWS Lambda, and Kotlin to develop Caribou.

I talked with the Agorapulse crew. Agorapulse was a pioneer in the usage of Micronaut features from Grails Application. Moreover, they maintain several open-source libraries to help integrate Micronaut and Grails, and they have written about their migration from Grails to Micronaut.

I talked about Micronaut Serialization with Graeme Rocher (Micronaut co-founder). Micronaut Serialization can serialize and deserialize Java types (including Java 17 records) to and from JSON and other formats without using reflection.

I talked with the Agorapulse crew. Agorapulse maintains several open-source Micronaut libraries. They talk about some of them (Snitch, Recurly, Rethrow, Segment, Newrelic, Worker, Console, Pierrot ...)..

I talked to Cédric Champeau (Micronaut core committer at Oracle Labs) about the Micronaut AOT module - a new module that generates build-time optimizations for Micronaut applications.

I talked to Graeme Rocher (Micronaut co-founder). Micronaut Data is a database access toolkit that uses Ahead of Time (AoT) compilation to pre-compute queries for repository interfaces that are then executed by a thin, lightweight runtime layer.

I talked to Iván López (Micronaut core commiter) about Micronaut integration with GraalVM, the CI Iván built to ensure the Micronaut framework plays well with GraalVM and small tips for users who want to deploy GraalVM Native Images of their Micronaut applications to production.

Hablo con Kini sobre su experiencia en Codemotion 2021 spanish edition, la resaca de aparecer en la newsletter de Alexa ...

Hablo con Kini sobre como compartir conocimiento dentro de la empresa. Organizar charlas, alojar eventos, conferencias internas...

Kini y Sergio hablan del Alexa Skill - Informativo de Ángel Martín. Tratan la historia del Skill y los servicios de AWS usados en su desarrollo.