Tag: gradle
Configure a Gradle Kotlin DSL to resolve Micronaut Snapshots
Bash script to run a Gradle flaky test a hundred times
Today, I was fighting a flaky test in a Micronaut project. I used this simple bash script to run the test a hundred times.
Sonatype Scan Gradle Plugin
Sonatype offers plugins to check for vulnerabilities in your dependencies.
MavenLocal repository only for snapshots with the Gradle Kotlin DSL
Sometimes, while developing you need to define mavenLocal() repository in a Gradle build. Gradle allows you to constraint the repository only to snapshots.
Bash Script to run the same test multiple times in a Gradle build
The following code contains a bash script I wrote to fight a flaky test.
Gradle Java Test Fixtures Plugin
Gradle Plugin which automatically create a testFixtures
source set, in which you can write your test fixtures.
Method to check if GraalVM JDK Distribution
Method to check if you are running in GraalVM JDK distribution. I have used it often in Gradle build files to decide whether a Gradle task should be enabled.
Gradle Podcast Plugin 0.0.5
I have released a new version of the Gradle podcast plugin.
Run a Gradle build when you save in BBEdit
Use BBEdit's Attachment Scripts and AppleScript
📼 ApacheCon 2021 - Static website generation with Apache Groovy
I will be talking next September 21-23 about static website generation.
Gradle, Jacoco and 90% Code Coverage
With Jacoco Gradle plugin it is easy to setup your project to enforce a coverage percentage.
Execute a Gradle task shortcut with IntelliJ IDEA
How to setup a shortcut to execute a Gradle task with IntelliJ IDEA
Run a Gradle build with Nova editor
How to run a Gradle build with Nova custom tasks
Gradle Podcast plugin
Gradle podcast plugin allows you to create a Podcast RSS feed with a Gradle plugin extension and a set of markdown files for your show episodes.
How to reference Grails Plugins deployed to your bintray account
Personal blog of Sergio del Amo
📼 GR8Conf 2017 - Grails Multi-Project Builds & Multi tenancy
Slides from my talk at GR8Conf 2017.
Read a property from gradle.properties with a bash script
Personal blog of Sergio del Amo
Grails Programmer: How to run a Grails 3 App with IntelliJ
Personal blog of Sergio del Amo
Gradle Programmer - Ensure source and target compatibility to a specific version of Java
Personal blog of Sergio del Amo