Gradle Podcast plugin

Last week, I published my first Gradle plugin. It eases the creation of a Podcast RSS feed. Internally it uses micronaut-itunespodcast module.

The plugin has an extension to configure your Podcast metadata

podcast {
    episodes = file("episodes")
    title = 'Hiking Treks'
    link = ''
    language = 'en-us'
    copyright = '© 2020 John Appleseed'
    description = 'Love to get outdoors and discover nature's treasures? Hiking Treks is the show for you. We review hikes and excursions, review outdoor gear and interview a variety of naturalists and adventurers. Look for new episodes each week.'
    author = "The Sunset Explorers"
    type = 'SERIAL'
    owner {
        name = "Sunset Explorers"
        email = ""
    image {
        url = ""
    block = false
    categories = 'SPORTS_WILDERNESS'
    explicit = false

You write your episode show notes in Markdown and use metadata to configure the audio files associated with the episode:


episodeType: TRAILER
episode: 1
season: 1
title: Hiking Treks Trailer
enclosureLength: 498537
enclosureType: audio/mpeg
guid: aae20190418
pubDate: 2019-01-08T01:15:00Z[GMT]
duration: 1079
explicit: false

The Sunset Explorers share tips, techniques and recommendations for great hikes and adventures around the United States. Listen on [Apple Podcasts](

Run ./gradlew build and it generates the following RSS feed:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss xmlns:content="" 
     version="2.0" xmlns:itunes="">
        <title>Hiking Treks</title>
            <title>Hiking Treks</title>
        <description>Love to get outdoors and discover nature&amp;apos;s treasures? Hiking Treks is the show for you. We review hikes and excursions, review outdoor gear and interview a variety of naturalists and adventurers. Look for new episodes each week.</description>
        <copyright>&amp;#169; 2020 John Appleseed</copyright>
        <category text="Sports">
            <category text="Wilderness">
        <itunes:author>The Sunset Explorers</itunes:author>
            <itunes:name>Sunset Explorers</itunes:name>
        <itunes:image href=""></itunes:image>
        <itunes:category text="Sports">
            <itunes:category text="Wilderness"></itunes:category>
        <title>Hiking Treks Trailer</title>
        <enclosure length="498537"
        <itunes:title>Hiking Treks Trailer</itunes:title>
        <content:encoded>&lt;p&gt;The Sunset Explorers share tips, techniques and recommendations for
great hikes and adventures around the United States. Listen on &lt;a href=""&gt;Apple Podcasts&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

My goal is to enable podcast creators to generate a RSS feed easily. It should make easy to statically host a Podcast RSS feed. It should help keep Podcasts open.

Podcast Gradle Plugin documentation

Tags: #gradle #rss