Tag: spock
Test Micronaut POJOs contain validation annotations
I like to define validation annotations for Micronaut application's models.
Test Micronaut POJOs are annotated with @Introspected
I always annotate my model classes with @Introspected. It is easy to test that you don't forget the annotation.
Testing JSON serialization with Micronaut applications
In Micronaut applications, you can control JSON serialization with Jackson annotations. Inject ObjectMapper into your tests to verify it.
Test Micronaut Health endpoint
I always expose the /health endpoint in my Micronaut applications. It is easy to test it.
Ignore a Spock test if running in Travis CI
Personal blog of Sergio del Amo
Grails Programmer : How to unit tests allowed HTTP request methods in a Grails 3 Controller's action?
Personal blog of Sergio del Amo
Spock Programmer : Setup / Cleanup Inheritance
Personal blog of Sergio del Amo
How to ignore a Spock feature method in Grails 3 while running on Jenkins
Personal blog of Sergio del Amo