Tag: geb
📼 ApacheCon 2020: Taming your browser with Geb
Video of my talk at ApacheCon 2020 about Geb
(Public Speaking) ApacheCon: Micronaut + Groovy and Taming your browser with Geb
Talks, Micronaut + Groovy and Taming your browser with Geb, at ApacheCon
📼 Northem Quality - Control your browser with Geb
Video of my talk at Northem Quality user group
Geb Talk at Northem Quality
Personal blog of Sergio del Amo
Commit Conf - Acceptance Tests with Geb
Slides from my talk at Commit Conf 2018
Codemotion - Spiders, Webbots and scrapers with Geb
Slides from my talk at Codemotion 2016
📼 Madrid GUG - Spiders, Webbots and Scrappers with Geb
Slides from my talk at Madrid Groovy User Group.
Geb Programmer : How to execute Geb with different browsers
Personal blog of Sergio del Amo
Geb Programmer : Obtain current page html source?
Personal blog of Sergio del Amo
Geb Programmer: User Agent Spoofing
Personal blog of Sergio del Amo
Geb Programmer : How to run Geb with PhantomJS Driver in desktop size
Personal blog of Sergio del Amo
GR8Day - Scraping with Geb
Slides from my talk at GR8Day Warsaw 2016
GR8Conf EU 2016 - Scraping with Geb
Slides from my talk at GR8Conf.