Mapping options for an Enum in a Grails Domain class

The next example illustrates the different options to map an enum.

Given the next code:

package demo

import groovy.transform.CompileStatic

class BootStrap {

    def init = { servletContext ->
            new Book(name: 'Grails 3 - Step by Step',
                     status: Status.NOT_SET),
            new Book(name: 'Grails 3 - A practical guide to application development',
                     status: Status.BORROWED),
            new Book(name: 'Falando de Grails',
                     status: Status.SOLD),
    def destroy = { }
package demo

import groovy.transform.CompileStatic

enum Status {

    final int id
    private Status(int id) { = id }

For enumType ordinal

package demo

class Book {
    String name
    Status status

    static mapping = {
        status enumType: 'ordinal'

The enum will be mapped in the database as:

ID VERSION NAME STATUS 1 0 Grails 3 - Step by Step 0 2 0 Grails 3 - A practical guide to application development 1 3 0 Falando de Grails 2

For enumType identity

package demo

class Book {
    String name
    Status status

    static mapping = {
        status enumType: 'identity'

The enum will be mapped in the database as:

ID VERSION NAME STATUS 1 0 Grails 3 - Step by Step -1 2 0 Grails 3 - A practical guide to application development 0 3 0 Falando de Grails 1 For enumType string

package demo

class Book {
    String name
    Status status

    static mapping = {
        status enumType: 'string'

The enum will be mapped in the database as:

ID VERSION NAME STATUS 1 0 Grails 3 - Step by Step NOT_SET 2 0 Grails 3 - A practical guide to application development BORROWED 3 0 Falando de Grails SOLD

Tags: #grails