Grails War is a runnable JAR

Do you know you can run a Grails generated WAR with gradle assemble with java -jar?. Let me show you:

runnablewar$ grails --version
| Grails Version: 3.3.0
| Groovy Version: 2.4.11
| JVM Version: 1.8.0_121
runnablewar$ grails create-app --inplace
runnablewar$ ./gradlew assemble
:compileJava NO-SOURCE
Processing File 2 of 25 - apple-touch-icon.png
Processing File 1 of 25 - apple-touch-icon-retina.png
Processing File 3 of 25 - favicon.ico
Processing File 4 of 25 - grails-cupsonly-logo-white.svg
Processing File 5 of 25 - skin/database_add.png
Processing File 6 of 25 - skin/database_delete.png
Processing File 7 of 25 - skin/database_edit.png
Processing File 8 of 25 - skin/database_save.png
Processing File 9 of 25 - skin/database_table.png
Processing File 10 of 25 - skin/exclamation.png
Processing File 11 of 25 - skin/house.png
Processing File 13 of 25 - skin/shadow.jpg
Processing File 12 of 25 - skin/information.png
Processing File 14 of 25 - skin/sorted_asc.gif
Processing File 15 of 25 - skin/sorted_desc.gif
Processing File 16 of 25 - spinner.gif
Processing File 17 of 25 - application.js
Processing File 18 of 25 - bootstrap.js
Processing File 19 of 25 - jquery-2.2.0.min.js
Processing File 20 of 25 - application.css
Processing File 21 of 25 - bootstrap.css
Processing File 22 of 25 - errors.css
Processing File 23 of 25 - grails.css
Processing File 24 of 25 - main.css
Processing File 25 of 25 - mobile.css
Finished Precompiling Assets
:compileWebappGroovyPages NO-SOURCE


Total time: 17.741 secs
runnablewar$ java -jar build/libs/runnablewar-0.1.war
Grails application running at http://localhost:8080 in environment: production

Tags: #grails
Jul 2017, 28.


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